Posted on Category:Pets

Good Idea for You Truly Feed Your Cat

If you are a first-time cat owner or have recently brought a new pet home, one of the first questions you will ask yourself is: “How much should I feed my cat?”Unfortunately, there is no simple answer. Just like humans, the nutritional needs of our pets change throughout their lives and depend on factors such as size, metabolism, exercise and even your cat’s environment. Understanding what a balanced diet means for your pet is the key to keeping him healthy throughout his life.

The first decision when feeding your pet is whether to give him dry food, canned meat or a mixture of both. Many owners feed their cats on their own with dry kibble, which is nutritionally healthy, as long as the formula is complete and balanced, namely a food with a low carbohydrate content and rich in animal protein. Make sure that cats who eat only kibble also have a lot of access to fresh water, as they usually get a large part of their daily water intake from meat. Although dry food is affordable, many cats prefer canned food to kibble, so make sure that your pet does not overeat When you give him a meat diet. It is also acceptable to mix canned and dry food, as long as you keep an eye on portion control.

After choosing the right food for your pet, establish a feeding routine that corresponds to his age and body type. Kittens are growing up and therefore need feedings more often than mature Cats. A good rule of thumb is to feed the kittens three meals a day until they are about six months old. This model should also work in the last years of your cat, as long as he is healthy. Arrange meals according to your own schedule so that you can keep them consistent, as cats can be sensitive to Routine changes.

Many cat owners provide their pets with free access to dry food, which is well suited for self-regulating cats. However, some pets will overeat if they have the opportunity, especially in households with several cats, where competition for food is common. To control Kitty’s portions, follow the label on her pet food and tailor it to your cat’s individual needs. A general guideline for an 8-pound active cat is 30 calories per pound per day, but that may be too much for a less active pet or too little for a playful kitten. To determine if your cat is overweight or underweight, check her spine and ribs: if you point through her skin, she is too thin, and if you can’t feel her ribs, she is probably overweight.

Whether he is a hungry kitten or a Senior who needs a special diet, your cat’s food is the cornerstone of his health. By finding a nutritionally balanced formula and establishing a feeding routine suitable for your pet, you can ensure that he remains healthy throughout his life.

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