Posted on Category:Pet Guide

Four Ways to Train Your Dog Right Now

When it comes to keeping your dog’s brain sharp, nothing works as well as teaching him new tricks. Obedience training can not only strengthen the bond you share with your pet, but also help to solve behavioral problems now and in the future. Here are some tips to teach your pet: Sitting: Sitting is an […]

Posted on Category:Pet Guide

Seven Cat Sounds Mean

From meowing and purring to hissing, grunting and moaning-cats emit a variety of sounds. Although they sometimes sound like gibberish to human ears, cat voices communicate the feelings and needs of our pets-when we can hear. Here are some of the sounds that cat among the most common: 1. Meow – Kittens meow to attract […]

Posted on Category:Pet Guide

My Dog Always Barks

Dogs bark for all sorts of reasons — to let them know that they need to go outside to greet them in a playful way or to warn them when a stranger is at the door. In each of these matters, your pet is trying to tell you something, but what if Fido is barking […]