Posted on Category:Pets Grooming

Your Dog Food Hoarding

Most dogs first dive into dinner with their noses, but for some particular animals it becomes a habit to take their kibbles to another place. If your pet is part of this pack, there are several possible causes of his behavior:

Pack mentality: before being domesticated, dogs ran in packs. For subordinate members, this meant stiff competition for meals. To avoid action with more dominant members of the pack, outranked dogs would carry their food out of sight. Some pets still carry this pack mentality today, but you can alleviate Fido’s eating anxiety by feeding your dogs separately in homes with multiple pets or by packing your pet in boxes during meals to prevent him from carrying his food.

Fear of separation: as packing animals, dogs are also social beings. Some prefer to eat with their people, and when they are fed in a separate room, they develop the habit of carrying their kibbles to be closer to the family. To remedy this behavior, simply organize your dog’s meals so that he is at home during dinner and feed him in the same room that you occupy.

Heavy Metal: If you have metal food bowls, you probably noticed the noise that Kibble makes when it hits the bowl. This noise – and even the sound of its tags hitting a metal bowl – can scare your pet and cause fears of eating directly from the bowl. If your dog seems to be taking his kibbles away because of these metal rattles, try replacing his metal bowl with a heavy plastic bowl.

Creating a cache: Wild dogs could not always rely on a regular meal, so your pet could use his survival instincts by creating a Cache with food. If you find Fidos croquettes or treats in unusual places, he will probably store them for after. To avoid this behavior, be sure not to overfeed your pet and limit it to one room or area during meals.

When a treat is offered, many dogs also transport it to another place or room for consumption. Although it may seem rude to some owners, your pet simply acts according to his instinct. The protection of a high—quality resource – in this matter, a bone of raw skin or another tasty bite – helped the ancestors of your pet survive. The tastier the treat, the more likely it is that your dog will hide it from competitors, so you can consider it a compliment the next time Fido runs away with his reward.


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