Posted on Category:Pets

Good Idea for You Truly Feed Your Cat

If you are a first-time cat owner or have recently brought a new pet home, one of the first questions you will ask yourself is: “How much should I feed my cat?”Unfortunately, there is no simple answer. Just like humans, the nutritional needs of our pets change throughout their lives and depend on factors such […]

Posted on Category:Pets

Prevent Your Dog from Hopping on People

When dogs meet, they greet each other of interest to view, but this can become a problem if your companion comprehends people in the same way. Although this of course comes from our households, jumping on people can leave them with scratching and bouncing backgrounds and is a serious browbeat to broken children and awakened […]

Posted on Category:Pets

Essential Ointment Diffusers Alright for Canines

Essential oils are more than just a new trend: they have been around since biblical times, and for good reason. These concentrated vegetable oils not only offer soothing or invigorating properties, but have also been used in natural medicine for hundreds of years. Although they can offer benefits to human health, there is conflicting information […]

Posted on Category:Pets

You Should Not Be Petting Your Cats

All cat owners have had the harrowing experience of giving affection to their feline friends only to receive a scratch or a sharp bite in return. According to a study published in Applied Animal Behavior Science, this could be for good reason. The researchers observed more than fifty cats and it turns out that cats […]

Posted on Category:Pet Guide

Four Ways to Train Your Dog Right Now

When it comes to keeping your dog’s brain sharp, nothing works as well as teaching him new tricks. Obedience training can not only strengthen the bond you share with your pet, but also help to solve behavioral problems now and in the future. Here are some tips to teach your pet: Sitting: Sitting is an […]

Posted on Category:Pet Guide

Seven Cat Sounds Mean

From meowing and purring to hissing, grunting and moaning-cats emit a variety of sounds. Although they sometimes sound like gibberish to human ears, cat voices communicate the feelings and needs of our pets-when we can hear. Here are some of the sounds that cat among the most common: 1. Meow – Kittens meow to attract […]

Posted on Category:Pet Guide

My Dog Always Barks

Dogs bark for all sorts of reasons — to let them know that they need to go outside to greet them in a playful way or to warn them when a stranger is at the door. In each of these matters, your pet is trying to tell you something, but what if Fido is barking […]

Posted on Category:Pets Care

Myths and Facts About Pet Debarking

Barking is one of your dog’s most important means of communication, but excessive vocalization can lead to conflicts with neighbors and owners who drop off their dogs at the shelter. Although expressing his concerns is of course part of your dog’s daily life, these problems lead some owners to consider surgery to “land” their dogs. […]

Posted on Category:Pets Care

Boarding or Leaving Your Pet with Someone Else

All pet owners have to leave the city from time to time for a well-deserved business trip, wedding or vacation, but this raises the question of what to do with their companions. From no-frills boarding facilities to high-end pet hotels and live-in sitters, there’s a wide range of options to suit most pet needs and […]

Posted on Category:Pets Care

Cats Lose Their Hair

Many people suffer from hair loss, but few people know that baldness is also common in cats. From flea bites to hormonal imbalances to chronic over-grooming, a variety of underlying causes can cause your cat’s hairline to be removed. Hair loss can also be a symptom of more serious problems in cats, but fortunately there […]

Posted on Category:Pets Care

A Better Method for Feeding Your Cat

For humans, meals are all about food, but for our cats, food is also a chance to fulfill their hunting instinct. According to some researchers, eating out of a bowl may not be the best option for your pet. Enter the Puzzle loader. A Puzzle Feeder is an Alternative to Feeding your cat freely by […]

Posted on Category:Pets Grooming

The Stress Free Method of Nails Trimming for Dogs

If you are like many dog owners, trimming your pet’s nails is an event surrounded by anxiety and drama. Some animal parents even avoid cutting their pooch’s nails completely for fear of hurting their companion. However, trimming your dog’s nails doesn’t have to be stressful, with the right techniques and tools. Keeping Fido’s feet healthy […]

Posted on Category:Pets Grooming

Your Dog Food Hoarding

Most dogs first dive into dinner with their noses, but for some particular animals it becomes a habit to take their kibbles to another place. If your pet is part of this pack, there are several possible causes of his behavior: Pack mentality: before being domesticated, dogs ran in packs. For subordinate members, this meant […]

Posted on Category:Pets Grooming

The Success of Your Dog on Your Next Vacation

Whether for work, a wedding or a well-deserved vacation, every pet owner sometimes has to skip the city to travel. Leaving your dog behind can be difficult for you and your pet, but if you plan ahead, you can prepare your dog for a stress-free transition while you’re out of town. Before you fly, it […]

Posted on Category:Pets Grooming

Way to Communicate Your Cat

Cats are adapted to never listen, but this does not mean that your pet does not care what you have to say. Cats have their own nuanced communication pathways and by learning to use some of their social cues, they can strengthen the bond they share with their pet. Here are some tricks you should […]